Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Good News....
I'm not prego, but I did get accepted into my Dental Hygiene program. I can finally see the end of my educational road coming to an end. 2 more years of hard study and I can say I'm finally done with school! WHADD UP!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Flaming Gorge Vaca....... And a Late 4th.
As sad as it is, I have practically no pictures from the 4th of July. Things were so crazy that day I didn't have time to stop and catch a snap shot. These first couple of pictures are from the baloon fest on the 3rd. It starts a great 4th tradition for me.
Then the day of the 4th, we ran the 5K in the morning which took us 29 min 35 sec(of course I didn't get a picture of this memorable moment), then Eva J was supposed to be in the grand parade by 9 am for being a baby contest winner, then we had a baptism for Jo's niece at 10 am (crazy day to have a baptism) then we had a Family picnic at 12 pm then lunch for the baptism at 1:30 pm. We found time to stop at home for a short nap, then on to clean the church,(Jo's calling and of course we end up with the weekend of the 4th). We then came back for chatting with the fam and on for fireworks! Jo's mom was able to spend the week of the 4th with us so Eva J spent a little time with her Grandma from Cali.

And then this last week we spent up in Flamming Gorge, a yearly trip taken by the Bonnett Family. This year was fun, all my siblings were able to come up and spent a little time, along with the Thurbad family:) (shout out to ga-ne-a) It was Eva J's first time camping it the great out doors along with the Girls.
For those of you who know Flaming G, the water is might fine (cold I mean) and Eva J didn't mind too much. Took a few short wines to warm up and then she was fine.
Eva J in her cute life jacket.
When weren't out on the boat, we were on the beach playing in the sad and relaxing on the tube. Dad was giving Eva J an enjoyable ride.
Isa and Thurbad #2
Just playing a good game of uno.
Ela, Thurbad #1, Madison, Isa.
Eva J got a lawn chair for her Birthday that we took with us and she loves crawling in and out of it.
Notice: a week of camping calls for no make-up. Can you tell?
Eva has just been getting the walking thing down, has been for about a month but is still a bit shakey. So the whole trip she had someone glued to her finger walking her in all the uneven dirt, cement and sand.
This was our last day on the beach.
Having a little lunch.
Braden and Ciara floating in the raft.
Madison, Isa and Braden
All the girls playing on tube.
My brother and his sexy body in a completey undersized jacket.
A little tube action: Isa and Madison.
Megan and Ciara
On our last night in the Gorge, we head to the smallest town called Dutch John and have us a Dam Burger. There were 23 of us and we filled up the whole dinning room. They made their quota for that day in 5 min.
Like I said, camping requires no make up.
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