Our Newest Member!
This sweet face is the newest member of our family. Meet Eva Jane Enriquez. She was born on June 4, 2008. She came a week earlier than expected, but came into this world as healthy as ever. She weighed 7 lbs, and was 18 1/2 in long. She wasn't' due until June 9Th, but with my fluid dropping from a 16 to a 4 within a week, they induced me the day of my last non-stress test. Now we have a beautiful new spirit in our lives. And although she keeps us up at night I can't help but smile when I'm staring at her at 3 in the morning.
lil buddy! nice to have you on board! Wow I wonder where my beautiful niece got her good looks from.......yours truely!!!
she's absolutely beautiful. i did check out her pics on whitney's site, they are so awwwesome. she's darling and you look great!
She is so dang cute! Im so glad you have a blog been wondering when you were going to get in on the groove. you have a cute family and make sure you post lots i like to see new things often.
Hey - Glad to see that you guys have a blog now!! Yeah!! Eva is so adorable!!! So glad that she is finally here! I hope everything is going good, Let me know if you guys need anything. =]
I love her!!!
So glad you guys have joined us in the blogging world.....I'm adding you to my list, if thats okay. Eva is so adorable - I wanted to hold her last night, but when you have 3 little monsters running around, its crazy (ha ha).
So I thougt we talked about this you said you would update regularly what's up I need new blogs to read.
I just found your blog, and I want to start jumping around!!! Your baby is soooo pretty! Keep in touch for sure!
Oh my goodness she is gorgeous! I am so glad you guys have a blog! I found it through Melisa's. Me and Lew feel so far from home and it's so nice to see what's goin on with everybody! Congratulaions on the new beautiful baby! We miss you all!
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