Someone once gave me some advice about buying a nice new camera when had Eva but we have yet to follow because of bad timing. (Isn't it always?) So weeks before my due date I took my camera to be fixed because the flash didn't work, they told me it would be at least 6 weeks, but funny, my baby is 5 weeks now and I still don't have my DANG CAMERA! So we have to use the camera that is on our video camera which isn't too bad but doesn't do my beautiful babe justice. But I wanted to give everyone an update on how much she has changed! Eva, today, is % weeks and 1 day. And she is still tiny but I can't believe how
two pictures express her attitude through out most of the day now. She doesn't enjoy being in a room by herself, so she makes herself and her feelings known. Generally she is happy and she always keeps a smile on my face. Sometimes I wonder how we were sent such sweet spirit, I just need to learn to absorb it and also be able to teach it. She is such a blessing in our lives and can't imagine her not in it!
Jaymilyn! It's Shannon (Howard) here! I was just thinking about you the other day, wondering how you were!!! I'm super excited to have seen your blog! We've got one too, but it's private so if you want in, email me your email address at! Your little baby is SO cute! I hope all is well with you guys!!
Oh my goodness!!! My long lost friend!!!!! I found your blog on Caitlin's!! How are you doing??? Your baby is beautiful. I hope things are good, and now we can keep in touch!!!
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