Huge Post!
If you notice the background, it's Christmas. But those of you who know me, know that it is my favorite holiday, and Christmas can never come too soon. "TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY".Here are a ton of picutes from the month of October and first of November.
Ciara was baptized and confirmed by Jose on November 1. A long awaited experience!
I just deleted a cute picture of Eva, darn computer! Anyway this is halloween morning, we went up to Shanna's school and paraded around the school with her 2nd graders. Ela and Luke were passing out "high 5's" to all the kids. If you notice below, you can't really tell but Luke is Ela's little side kick. She was Mickey and Luke was Pluto, and Eva Jane was a pumpkin. I was supposed to be a beautiful witch!

Shanna was dressed as a bumble bee, her students call her miss Bumble Bee. And Anna was a hat-less witch.
Jose skipped out of school for a bit to go visit the girls. Ciara was a vampire and Isa was and angel.
Jose and I carved pumkins, and guess whose is who's? Jo was a huge Obama fan this election, so I was watching Rachel Ray one morning and they had celebrity faces that you could print off online and they highlighted Obama on the show, so I printed it off because I knew that he would love it. In the day, it really looked like him, but when it was lit, you couldn't really tell what it was. Mine was a Frankenstein with an underbite of some sort!
Ciara turned 8 on October 12th so the day before we threw her a little Halloween theme party, and all the kids dressed up.

In these two pictures the back ground looks like the house of a cronic smoker, but we don't smoke! We had a fog machine going off trying to set the scary mood!
We had bobbing for apples, painting pumpkins, cup cake decorating, and pin the nose on the pumpkin.
Eva was a cat this night at the party, but about 10 minutes after everyone started she was dead asleep. She couldn't keep her eyes open.
Isa, Ciara, and cousin Alexi Ela and Ciara
1 comment:
Hey girl! It's Meagan! Your little girl is too stinkin cute! Call me, we've got some updating to do! 850-2580
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